Japanese Dictionary

Meaning of 渾名(あだな) in Japanese

渾名, 綽名, あだ名, 諢名, 仇名
Kana Reading
あだな, こんめい
adana, konmei
Word Senses

Examples of 渾名, 綽名, あだ名, 諢名, 仇名, あだな, こんめい in a sentence

Kanji in this word

4 strokes

foe, enemy, revenge, grudge, feud

On'Yomi: キュウ, グ

Kun'Yomi: あだ, あた, かたき, つれあい

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6 strokes

name, noted, distinguished, reputation

On'Yomi: メイ, ミョウ

Kun'Yomi: な, -な

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14 strokes

loose, lenient

On'Yomi: シャク

Kun'Yomi: あだ, しな.やか, ゆる.やか

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16 strokes

joke, jest, colloquial

On'Yomi: コン


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12 strokes

all, turbidity

On'Yomi: コン

Kun'Yomi: すべ.て, にご.る

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